Tuesday 31 March 2015


Located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Mount Bromo is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres. While it may be small when measured against other volcanoes in Indonesia, the magnificent Mt Bromo will not disappoint with its spectacular views and dramatic landscapes. At 2392 meters tall, Mt Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but its stunning beauty lies in its incredible setting. 

From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 meters above sea level), 2.5 hours from Malang. visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mt Bromo. From this spot the vista is magnificent. All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture the incredible scene of Mt Bromo in the foreground with Mt Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky. 

The eerie landscape has spurned countless legends and myths. Mt Bromo has particular significance for the Tengger people who believe that this was the site where a brave prince sacrificed his life for his family. The people here appease the Gods once a year during the annual Kasada festival where offerings of vegetables, chickens and money are thrown into the crater of the volcano.

There are a number of guesthouses and basic hotels located around Mt Bromo. The Bromo Guest House is located at Ngadisari that lies 3 km from the crater rim. Or you can choose other hotels at Cemoro Lawang because it this situated at the crater rim.
Visitors can also stay at Tretes, Pasuruan or in Malang, the nearest towns to Bromo, and cool mountain resorts, where there are a number of good hote

The temperature at Mt Bromo ranges from 3 to 20 degrees Celsius but the temperature may be several degrees below zero during the dry season.  If you can’t stand cold weather, you should bring a jacket, gloves and a head cover or cap. After the sun rises, the weather becomes hot pretty fast.
Don't forget to bring a camera or handycam so you can capture the natural beauty.

To reach Mount Bromo, you can fly to Juanda international airport in Surabaya. There are direct flights to Surabaya from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hongkong, Jakarta and Bali.
Sriwijaya Air flies twice daily from Jakarta to Malang.
From there, continue your journey to Mount Bromo by booking with a travel agent, or driving the Surabaya-Pasuruan-Wonokitri-Mount Bromo route. The journey will take 2 to 3 hours. It is best for you to leave Surabaya at 23:00-24:00 in order to arrive in time for sunrise. Or you can stay overnight at one of the hotels at Prigen, Tretes, .to make sure that you are on the crater rim before sunrise.
Ponies can take you across the sand sea to the bottom of the steep stairs that leads to the crater. 

If you forget to bring food, the restaurants near Mount Bromo open from 3 am. They generally provide various types of Indonesian traditional dishes such as Ketoprak, fried rice, Rujak Cingur, Bandrek, etc.


Watching the sun rise spectacularly over Mt Bromo is the highlight of any trip here. Visit in the month of Kasada (usually in September-November) and witness the annual Kasada festival where the local Tenggerese come to Bromo to throw offerings of vegetables, chickens and money into the crater of the volcano.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Welcome to Banyuwangi Tourism

Banyuwangi is the eastern-most regency of East Java. To the north lies the regency of Situbondo. The regencies of Jember and Bondowoso neighbor Banyuwangi to the west. To the east lies the island of Bali and to the west lies the Indonesian Ocean. Banyuwangi is situated on the coordinate 70 45’ 15” S and 113’ 38.2” E. Because of its location, Banyuwangi has diverse natural scenery, rich art, culture, customs and traditions.
The beauty of nature is spread across Banyuwangi from the west to the east. Mountains, forests and beaches mark the landscape of the regency. For instance, Ijen Crater, in the western part of Banyuwangi is famous for its beautiful crater lake, the traditional sulfur miners who amazingly climb up and down the slope of Mount Merapi, and the plantations that cover the Crater’s slope. The National Park of Meru Betiri is famous for its Java Tiger and turtles. These locations form the center of the Tourism Developed area which is called the Diamond Triangle, which connects one Tourism Object to another.
Banyuwangi also has various art, culture, customs and traditions. One of the typical arts of Banyuwangi is Gandrung, a welcoming dance for distinguished guests. The dance is the defining dance of Banyuwangi. Besides Gandrung, Seblang, Kuntulan, Damarwulan, Angklung, Ketoprak, Barong, Kendang Kempul, Jaranan are arts that can be seen in Banyuwangi. Other customs that can be observed in Banyuwangi include the sea offering, metik (a celebration performed before rice and coffee harvesting), Rebo Wekasan, Kebo Visit Banyuwangi the Real Tropical Country keboan, Ruwatan, Tumplek punjen, Gredoan, Endog-endogan, etc. These events are performed every year and are included in the Calendar of Events of Banyuwangi. The typical handicrafts and traditional foods are available across Banyuwangi. The products and places that should be visited are Batik Tulis at Temenggungan and Tempo, Bamboo handicraft at Kecamatan Rogojampi and Kalipuro, etc. Banyuwangi also has typical food products; such as bagiak, selai pisang (banana jam) etc.
There native people of Banyuwangi are Banyuwanginese. They have their own dialect which combines the languages of Javanese and Balinese. Ethnic Javanese, Madurese, Balinese and people from Banjar also call Banyuwangi home. The diverse natural scenery, the rich art, culture, customs and traditions, constitute worthy treasures that must be introduced to all people. The people of Banyuwangi and the local government will be supported and benefited by tourism. The income from tourism will provide the capital to develop the regency of Banyuwangi. Tourists will also benefit from their rich experiences as they visit Banyuwangi.

Saturday 28 March 2015




Bali has been the favorite destination for locals and international tourists for ages. Bali has been the favorite destination for locals and international tourists for ages. Full of magnificent beaches, breathtaking sceneries, marvellous trinkets and interesting culture, Bali is ideal for people wanting to escape from daily activities, enjoy a honeymoon, or even, have a great time with family and friends.
Bali is an Indonesian island located at 8°25'23?S 115°14'55?E, the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island.
With a population recorded as 3,151,000 in 2005, the island is home to the vast majority of Indonesia's small Hindu minority. 93.18% of Bali's population adheres to Balinese Hinduism, while most of the remainder follow Islam. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.


Though no artifacts or records exist that would date Bali as far back as the Stone Age, it is thought that the very first settlers to Bali emigrated from China in 2500 BC, having created quite the evolved culture by the Bronze era, in around 300BC.  This culture included a complex, effective irrigation system, as well as agriculture of rice, which is still used to this day. 
Bali’s history remained vague for the first few centuries, though many Hindu artifacts have been found, which lead back to the first century, indicating a tie with that religion.  Though it is strongly held that the first primary religion of Bali, discovered as far back as 500 AD, was Buddhism.  Additionally, Yi-Tsing, a Chinese scholar who visited Bali in the year 670 AD stated that he had visited this place and seen Buddhism there.
By the 11th century, Hindu and Javanese influences became very important to Bali.  In fact, when the Balinese Prince Airlanggha’s father died in about 1011 AD, he moved to East Java, uniting it under one principality and appointing his brother, Anak Wungsu, the ruler of all of Bali.  Following this time, there were many reciprocal political and artistic ideas that formed.  Javanese language, called Kawi, became the aristocracy’s preference, among other Javanese traits and customs that were worked into Bali life.
When Airlanggha died in the mid-11th century, Bali remained quite autonomous until 1284, when East Javanese king Kertanegara conquered Bali and ruled over it from his home in Java.  Kertanegara was assassinated in 1292, and Bali was once again liberated, until 1343 when it was brought back into Javanese control by Hindu-Javanese general Gajah Mada, of the Majapahit empire.
At this time, the 16th century, Islam was spreading throughout Sumatra and Java, and the Majapahit Empire started to fall, creating a large exodus of aristocracy, priests, artists and artisans to Bali.  This brought Bali great prosperity, becoming Bali’s golden age of cultural history for the following centuries.  Bali soon became the major power of the region, taking control of its neighboring country, Lombok, as well as pieces of East Java.
In 1597, Dutch seamen were the first Europeans to land in Bali, though they had no true interest in Bali until the 1800’s.  In 1846 the Dutch returned with colonization on their minds, having already had vast expanses of Indonesia under their control since the 1700’s.  The Dutch sent troops into northern Bali, and by 1894, they had sided with the Sasak people of Lombok to defeat the Balinese.  By 1911, all Balinese principalities were under Dutch control. 
After World War I, a sense of Indonesian Nationalism began to grow, leading to the declaration of the national language in 1928, as Bahasa Indonesia.  World War II brought the Japanese, who expelled the Dutch and occupied Indonesia from 1942 until 1945. 
The Japanese were later defeated, and the Dutch returned to attempt to regain control of Bali and Indonesia.  However, in 1945, Indonesia was declared independent by its very first president, Sukarno.  The Dutch government ceded, and Indonesia was officially recognized as an independent country in 1949.


Most international visitors will fly to Bali directly.

    * Numerous direct flights from Europe, America, Australia and most Asian Countries.
    * Domestic flights to and from major cities within Indonesia.
    * Regular passenger ferries from Java and Lombok.
    * Cruise ship stop-offs.
    * By car or bus from Java.


Bali's reputation as a tourist destination is already established in the minds of so many people around the world. It is known as a beautiful island with mountains, temples, palaces and visits of terraced rice fields.
It is known as a place where traditions of art and culture predominate, where the village way of life based on their strong religious beliefs is still in place.
But, it is also a place where modern sports such as diving, sailing, rafting and above all surfing have taken hold and are enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year. It is a place where the ultimate luxuries of life: fine dining, spas and massage have reached the peak of perfection.
Behind all of this is a single unseen premise; none of these practices, pursuits and pleasures are created as tourist industries in Bali, but are based on the talents, dedication and skills of the Balinese people in their normal course of life.


Like the food of other regions in Indonesia, Balinese food is rice as the central dish served with small portions of spicy, pungent vegetables, fish or meat and served almost always with sambal or chili paste. Bali is a few of the regions in Indonesia whose majority of its people are non Muslims, thus babi guling or roasted suckling pig is a specialty, as is bebek betutu, smoked stuffed duck wrapped in bamboo leaves.
In Jimbaran area, for instance, you can sample seafood dishes while sitting on the beach. Visit this place in the evening, the cool atmosphere and caressing breeze will make your dining experience remarkable.


Bali Government Tourism Office Jl. S. Parman No. 1, Niti Mandala, Denpasar-Bali 80235, Phone (62-361) 222387, Fax (62-361) 226313 , Website:http://www.tourism.baliprov.go.id/ ,Email infotourism@baliprov.go.id


Thursday 26 March 2015


Would you like to limit the amount of fizzy drinks, or cut down on sugar filled beverages you consume? Try fruit infused water, it is a great alternative! The process is really simple, straightforward and can be easily prepared. Most importantly, it is an extremely healthy option.
Top spas from around the world have known for a long time about the benefits of fruit, herb and flower infused water. They promote the benefits of healthy hydration and strive to make their drinking water healthier,
aesthetically pleasing and more appealing for their guests. In some spas they supply the expertise of a spa water chef, to create unique water recipes that enhance, replenish and aid relaxation. The good news is that you don’t have to go to a spa to enjoy the health benefits of infused water; you can produce your own, at home. Creating healthy delicious and vitamin infused water is inexpensive and economically friendly.
In the last few years we have started to realise the importance of hydration, as research has proven good hydration can increase concentration and productivity. Nowadays, most offices now have water coolers and pupils at schools have water readily available in classrooms. Dehydration can be a major contributing factor to illnesses, causing headaches, digestive problems, obesity and joint pains. By drinking water, this does not also assist in avoiding these, but can support in improving complexion, help kidneys to function properly, aid weight loss and maintain high energy levels.
But why infuse water with fruit, herbs or flowers you ask? The answer is simple. By improving the flavour with a healthy option, it’s an easier way to achieve your recommended daily amounts. By adding fruits and herbs you are including essential vitamins. The most common flavours used are cucumber, mint, basil and citrus fruits. But feel free to use your imagination to produce a flavour to suit you!
Although there are many flavoured waters on supermarket shelves, producing your home made drink is cost effective and far healthier. Most infused waters available at supermarkets include preservatives, artificial sweeteners and colourings, sodium, sacralise sucrose, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar. Now do you think it’s time to produce your own?

A lemon infused water is the easiest and the most refreshing to make, lemons are a natural slimming aid and cleanser the liver. The lemons release the flavours immediately.
A rosemary orange and lime infused water is simple to make. Slice two limes, one orange and a sprig of rosemary and add to the Aqua or Citrus Zinger. Top up with water, shake and leave for an hour. Rosemary contains powerful antioxidants and is believed to improve memory, while the orange contains a natural vitamin C. There are no calories in this drink.
Infusing water has become so popular; they regularly make appearances at garden parties. A lovingly prepared jug of infused water can often take centre stage and make quite an impression, as well as  providing your guests with a healthy alternative to alcoholic and sugary drinks.
If you have children, flavouring the water can be made into an activity. Children will love selecting fruits and enjoy watching their own flavours come together. It will of course, persuade them to start drinking healthier too.
When exercising, it’s vital to stay hydrated. Often you will see gym goers or athletes with bottles of energy drinks, yet studies show water is the most beneficial drink. Why not produce your own infused water, and take it with you?
You can also make your own infused ice-cubes. When you can’t wait 30 minutes for a nice cool drink, just simply add them to a glass of water for an instantly healthy, refreshing and tasty drink.
Written by Tracy – http://www.vouchercodespro.co.uk – @VCP_Tracy

5 Fruit Infused Detox Waters for Energy & Cleansing

These days, many of our images of a ‘detox’ include diets by way of starvation: Ten-day master cleanses, strict juice-only regimens, and restrictive carb/gluten/sugar/dairy-free diets. More elimination rather than detoxification, more sprint rather than marathon.
But a detox doesn’t have to be a 100-yard dash to the finish line. Like a marathon, detoxification can be achieved slowly and steadily. It can—and should—incorporate elements embedded into our every day routines, thus ensuring we take the most stress-free and healthful paths to a healthier body.
detox waters

By its intrinsic role as the body’s natural purifier, replenisher, and hydrator, water is the easiest and most effective detoxification weapon. All functions of the body require water; a crucial component of the biological make up of all human cells. Water flushes toxins out from organs. It provides an adequately moist environment for the ear, nose and throat tissues. Water enables the liver to metabolize stored fat quicker, giving our overworked kidneys a break. The oxygen in water carried from cell to cell helps build muscle and increase cognitive and nerve functions. Drinking water can help lose weight, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and maintain healthy skin and nails. Plain and simple: water detoxes, from the inside out.
The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate liquid intake for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. For women, this number is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. Today, in the U.S. water is readily available and cheap….so why don’t we drink more of it?
detox drinks
Because water is boring, that’s why, and it’s often overshadowed by far sexier electrolyte-induced beverages, vitamin and nutrient-packed juices, and tastebud-exciting fizzy drinks. But water can be fun, too, and we’re here to show you how.
By adding a few slices of fruit, or vegetable, into our daily intake of water, we can benefit the mind, body, and soul at the same time. Adding a few slices of whole fruits and vegetables heightens minerals and vitamins that our bodies can easily and quickly consume, and at the same time are so delicious that we may find ourselves tricking our mind into drinking more water than we have in the past.
At the heart of it, a detoxification diet is simply a way to purify the body by flushing out whatever ‘toxins’ exist, and water is the best way to make this happen. Best of all, it is something that we can sustain as a daily practice in what will hopefully become a long, detoxified marathon called life.
5 Detox Waters to Try Today:
Orange, lemon, ginger
Oranges aid with healthy blood circulation, lemons help aid digestion (and freshen breath), and ginger is a notorious immune system booster.
orange and ginger
Cucumber, raspberry, grape
Cucumber is hydrating and flushes out toxins, Raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties, and grapes contain cancer-fighting and cleansing compounds.
mixed fruit and veggie
Rhubarb, apple, cinnamon
Rhubarb contains vitamin K to help with blood clotting, apples have a slew of benefits including maintaining bone and tissue health, and cinnamon is one of the most efficient boosters of metabolism.
rhubarb and apple
Strawberry and lime
Strawberries are jam-packed with anti-oxidants, and limes are an excellent anti-aging weapon due to its restorative properties for hair, skin, and nails.
strawberry and lime water
Pineapple and mint
Pineapple is an anti-inflammatory that helps relieve joint pain and arthritis, and mint supports the digestive system by activating salivary glands and digestive enzymes.
pineapple and mint cleansing drink
Instructions to make Detox Water:
Slice fruits or vegetables of your choice into bite-sized pieces.
In a 1 liter jar, place sliced fruits at the bottom of the jar. Cover to the rim with ice.
Pour water until full (approximately 1 cup) and seal with a lid. Let sit in the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes so flavors can seep into the water.
Keeps in the fridge up to two days, water is most refreshing when cold.
Granted, you’re not going to get your daily dose of recommended nutrients just by drinking a detox water…but every little bit helps.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.